Advances in C–H Functionalization: CCHF hosts a symposium at the 247th ACS Meeting


This spring over 10,000 undergraduate, graduate, faculty and general chemistry scientists, descended upon Dallas, TX, to enjoy nearly a week of talks, posters, events and networking activities. The CCHF had a strong presence at this meeting, organizing and hosting five session symposium spread over three days. With eleven invited speakers and thirty-one contributing speakers, this was one of the most exciting and engaging speaker line-ups at the ACS.

Jointly sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Strem, Sigma Aldrich, Pfizer and the CCHF, the Center brought together speakers to discuss recent advances in C–H Functionalization and how they are developing new technologies to help push back these frontiers. The invited sessions were hosted by the CCHF Director, Huw Davies, and the CCHF Managing Director, Daniel Morton.

Even with full day sessions the talks were regularly packed out, with upto 550 in the audience. The CCHF also gained great exposure from the networking and interactions many of the audience had with the enthusiastic members of the CCHF. The Center was represented in poster session, SCIMIX and at the RSC reception social event. Overall it was excellent exposure for the Center to the scientific community and prompted many interested discussions from faculty, students and industrial professionals.