The Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CSURP), has been developed by the CCHF to provide a mechanism for undergraduates to engage in C–H Functionalization research and engage in research exchange experiences.
Seth Ahlquist, an undergraduate student at the UCLA who worked in the Houk Group, was the recipient of one of the 2013 CSURP fellowships and worked at UCLA in the summer of 2013. Seth spent the summer working in the lab of Prof. Ken Houk, exploring the mechanism and application of Pd-catalyzed C–H Functionalization chemistry developed in the Yu lab.
During the program Seth carried out research in the lab, collaborated closely with the Yu group as well as participating in CCHF virtual meetings, reporting his work, engaging with other CSURP students and the other CCHF members.
2013 CSURP Program