CCHF | Virtual Symposium Series

In June 2021, the CCHF will be holding the 22nd in its series of C–H Functionalization focused Virtual Symposia. In the second part of this special edition, we will be highlighting our academic alumni and their current research through a series of short talks.

Biocatalysis and complex molecule synthesis

Alison Narayan, University of Michigan, Sarpong and Sherman Groups Alum

Pioneering new routes for antibiotic development

Andrew Lowell, Virginia Tech, Sherman Group Alum

Using substrate geometry to control the site of C–H functionalization reactions

Jennifer Roizen, Duke University, Stoltz and Du Bois Groups Alum

Synthetic Methods Inspired by Complex Natural Products

Sidney Wilkerson-Hill, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Sarpong and Davies Groups Alum

Identifying the catalytic site for homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts

Nick Brunelli, The Ohio State University, Jones and Davies Groups Alum

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