This seminar was the kick-off to the spring 2014 CCHF/AWIS seminar series. The seminar was given by Dr. Alison Narayan, a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. David Sherman's laboratory at the University of Michigan which focuses on molecular genetics, biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry applied to the studies of microbial natural product biosynthesis.
Dr. Narayan crossed into this field from her synthetic organic Ph.D. work at U. C. Berkeley under Dr. Richmond Sarpong.
This seminar was a great opportunity for ungergraduate and gradate students to learn about the rewards of switching research focus in postdoctoral pursuits. It was also an opportunity to receive advice and hear about lessons learned from someone with a diverse scientific background.
18 members of the CCHF logged in from various sites and we were also joined by graduate students from the Emory Department of Chemistry and Emory chapter of AWIS.
Author: Katie Chepiga